Rick Baldomero- Artist

Artist Statement
In the late 60’s, researchers did an experiment. They had a group of subjects perform a simple task. The subjects were told “Whenever you think about wiggling your finger, wiggle it.” The subjects had sensors hooked up to their heads and finger. What the researchers found was that on average the subject’s brain had activated a full 0.5 seconds before the subject actually thought about wiggling their finger. The researches concluded that the subconscious mind was actually making the decision to wiggle the finger before the conscious mind performed the task. Consciousness seems to be a mere bystander with just an illusion of control.
The surrealists in the early 20th century tried to access this inner self through artistic means. They believed that the inner self was irrational and that it could be accessed through techniques like automatic writing. Researchers have since discovered the exact opposite. The subconscious mind is rational and the conscious mind is often irrational.
I use art to explore the dual nature of my brain. I generate random scribble, study the results, then extract images to start my work. As my internal dialogue begins to form around the image I enhance and modify the image to produce a work of art. Those images reflect both my subconscious self , my conscious view of the world and my own psychology.
I explore the abstraction of thoughts and ideas as opposed to the abstraction of form. My art is social surrealism. I have a strong background in engineering, mathematics and science.
Create your own story, do not be encumbered by mine!